Today it's been Kolby's birthday, so with hoined efforts Norma and I made a cake; she made the actual cake and I made the icing. It's not the prettiest cake the world's ever seen, I will admit that, but it tasted fine just the same. The scary looking thingies standing there are birthday presents called skylanders, and are not eatable (too bad...) 
Earlier today we went to the annual Winter's Xmas Dinner, so I got to meet a lot of family. Some of them I met at the bbq picnic thing this summer. My host father has eight siblings I think it was, so there was a bunch of people. 
Donc... Christmas! 
Just like in Sweden, all feasts are accompanied by the same foods; turkey, ham, stuffing... Och julmust på det såklart! I guess christmas celebration varies from family to family, no matter the culture. So this is how christmas was spent here: 
On Christmas Eve (24th) I got up early to have a skype date with my family, watching kalle, talking and later on opening christmas presents. Not sitting squeezed in the couch, I must admit kalle actually is a bit overrated... I loved julkalendern though! (Still not too late to watch it!)
Later in the evening we had a family meal over at the grandma's house, us, the grandma and one of Normas sisters with her kids. It was nice and cozy. About half past eleven my dear host mother went with my to the midnight mass. I was actually surprised at how very similar that was to the one at home, seeing as they're catholic. Only difference was they went up and down more, sat on their knees while praying and at the holy communion only handed out wafers, no wine.
Christmas Day morning we went over to the grandma once again having coffee kinda while skyping the oldest brother. He was the only one not home for christmas, since he's working at a hotel so christmas is a busy time. 
After that it was present time. In this country the kids do not get to see Santa, he put's the presents under the tree and in the stocking in the middle of the night when the kids are sleeping. To be exact, half past one when we came back from church... 
For christmas I got amongst other things a cow stuffy and a bunch of swedish ikea food. I mean everyone's heard of pasta-älgar, right? Also all us kids got a ticket to go see Cirque du Soleil, so the 26th we went to Montreal. Before the show we looked a bit at the boxing day sale, which is like mellandagsrean but only for one day. And then the show. I lost count of how many times I thought they were gonna fall down and die... Fortunatly, no one did and it was a great performance! But one weren't allowed to take pictures, like they so nicely said before the start photo avec flash, l'artist crash.
The rest of the week not much happened, me and Ann took a bunch of pictures in the snow, I got a christmas present from my other sister, and I learned how to take a photo of the screen. I've only had this computer about three years, why would I know how it works? 
And just to clarify, the owl is a lense case, cool eh! 


As it seems, we survived another end of the world. Isn't that just lovely?
Monday was a snowday, even though tuesday was a whole lot snowier. in my eyes, the snowday system doesn’t really make sense; if the weather forecast predicts freezing rain (which might not even happen) the buses are cancelled, but if you wake up and it’s snowing a lot and the weather forecast didn’t predict that, they’re not.     

So monday morning I went a bit reluctantly back to bed, knowing we would’ve needed the time to practise for our Citart-dance, which we hadn’t yet learned the entire dance, first performance being on thursday. Around twelve I got a call from Jessica in my dance class, saying our class had decided to meet up in school and actually go to our dance lesson, so I went up and Kelsey was so very nice and drove me to school. Not everyone was there but a good half, so we got to practise and practise and also learn the ending. 

Wednesday when we went in the bus home, our bus driver gave us christmas presents, absolutely adorable of her. So now I have a couple of canada mittens! 

Thursday, our first performances of Citart.

Citart is kinda like a talent show, where the students can perform anything they want; the dance class is obliged to participate, that dance is part of the final exam. We had the entire day excused. In the morning we performed for 7-8 graders, and after lunch for 5-6 graders. Seeing as our number were maximum 3 min, we had a lot sitting around to do. So bigger part of the day were spent in the dance studio, curling hair, fixing make up. Jumping around admiring the flow of the red shirts we wore, which were actually skirts...  

At six we were back in school, preparing for the evening show which started at seven. All in all, I think we did a good job, the second performance was our best, the ending where actually perfect that one. I did a couple of screw ups, mainly the ending part, but the last performance I started walking to late I think, luckily I’m good at speed walking haha. 

Friday was supposed to be the last day of school, with a hockey game in the morning and Citart after lunch. But no, that didn’t happen, we had another snowday, but this time it really was a snowday. From thursday night until saturday noon it snowed constantly, so yes I will have a nice white christmas. Bigger part of yesterday I spent making up christmas rhymes, that is traditionally swedish, isn’t it? 

 FRÅN OSS ALLA (läs: jag och mitt andra jag) TILL ER ALLA,




It's snowing again. Real snow, cold snow, the kind of snow that makes real snowflakes. Did you know that every single snowflake is one of a kind? Imagine how many snowflakes that fall in just one time at one place, and then imagine how many snowflakes there's ever fallen. 
This week I got a packet from home consisting of a bunch of christmas presents, tack älskade föräldrar! I had to open one of them though, the one from my oldest sister because I knew what was in it, the CD from her Spex, Christofer Columbus. So I've been listening to that quite a lot (a) I'm actually listening at this very moment: Landet kommer fyllas av en stam, människor som inte har nån skam...
Monday I had my first snowday, truth be told there wasn't much snow, barely even 2 cm, but I'm not complaining. I spent bigger part of the day curled up in the couch with Phoebe reading hp, mmmh... 
Now days go by fast, so I honestly don't remember which day it was, but we had a code rouge, which is a practise of what to do in case there would come a person with a gun to school. So they say lockdown, lockdown in the speakers. When this happened I had dance, so we all squeezed in one of the changing rooms, sitting on the floor in the dark. True to my habit I fell asleep... We were in there for a long time, they're supposed to walk around and say clear kinda, BUT they forgot us, or didin't see us, whichever. So what should've been approximately 15 minutes became for us over 40... 
I'm indecisive but now after beeing to the counseler thrice, a lot of thinking, considering pros and cons and talking to teachers I've switched my english cours next semester to sociologie, which is a subject where you learn a lot about families, like relations and stuff. Teacher seemed really nice. 
I've also been at a christmas thing at Kolby's school were we amongst other things got face paintings, nice eh!
(In case you can't see; Kolby has a snowflake and I'm Rudolph.)


- Levde du på 1700-talet?
- Jaa. Men nu är jag död. 

I’ve spent more or less six hours today baking, making and decorating gingerbread houses with Ann. We actually made this farm, or at least it’s supposed to be; It’s the barn, the main house and three cows. And of course, my masterpiece: the tractor! 


Ann’s been at our place since thursday, since her host parents went away, so thursday we did our christmas shopping and friday Emilie was with us too, and we went to a friends place hanging out. He had the cutest kitten called Pumpkin, and a pet snake, which did not have a name, so I named it for him; Fluffy. I think Fluffy liked having a name, because he actually listened to it, I speak parseltongue, moahahah.....

Aaaaaaaaaaaand, this week I’ve made my first trips to the barn. It’s a bit bad it took me three months to get out there, but like they say - better late than never. I’ve been helping Kolby out with his chores, which is feeding the small cows/calves, giving them hay and feeding the small male calves. But I’ve also milked two cows, or well, put on the milking thingy, but I think that counts, so yeah, I’ve milked cows! I think I was more hindrance than help in the milking department though... 

There’s no more snow. It melted away, and it’s been the warmest december sine 1873, it was over 15°C the other day, so I’ve been waiting in vain for snowdays... Ah well, there’s school in january too, so maybe I can get a couple of snowdays then. 


Det är december och vi vet alla vad det innebär - JULKALENDERN! Musiken är rätt, ungarna pratar nästan rätt och med Jean och Staffan kan det ju bara inte bli dåligt. Årets julkalender är en uppföljare till mina allra bästa favoritjulakender Mysteriet på Greveholm. Om någon av någon anledninig inte sett det än, säger jag bara svtplay - GENAST! (och alla ni som sett originalet lägger ju märke till Melitta-rösten...)
And this was sent to me by my beloved parents and has now occupied the place of honour. At first I thought it was a Christmas present and did not open the package, but after a hint from my sister I opened it and gee was I happy. This is what we call Tomtekalendern, so the little red santa jumps one step every day until it reaches the top of the staircase as well as Christmas.

So with these to in combination, adding the thin layer of snow and the Christmas carols playing everywhere, I just love December. 

Tuesday I went to the movies with Jessica in my dance class and we saw the last twilight. It was all cute and that you know, and since I don't rememer the book at all I liked it. 
I live on a dairy farm but I don't think I've told you about the milk. So this is how it goes: we have a pres-vac home pasteurizer that can hold eight litres at a time, so we do like once a week. And this milk is good, I can tell you. Seeing as I went away believing there would only be H-milk you can understand I'm in heaven. 
and this is what the thingy looks like. 
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