Since it turned out I have not only one, but actually THREE stalkers, thsi is for you girls! (Who knows, maybe I even have more, wow, and I thought no one read my blog haha...)
Anyways, at this very moment, I'm sitting in the rays from the sun listening to my dearly beloved melodifestival-skiva. Maybe it is easter after all. I have a feeling spring will be short, and before I even know it, it'll be so warm I'll almost miss the snow. But only almost. 
Last period today we had le chemin de la croix, the road to the cross. I thought it was gonna be a play, but it was more of a slide show, but ith real people. Does that make any sense? No... It was like one person talking, while other people stood like a picture on the stage. Natasha sang, and some other people too, but I don't know them so ^^
Now my camera isn't the best, and I didn't wan't to use the flash... So the guy playing Jesus actually had like a bunch of "wounds" and wore nothing but a diaper. Funniest part of the play ;)
Monday (or maybe it was tuesday, not sure anymore...) we had a clown guy at school, but I didn't know it in advance so no photos of that. Dommage.... Anyways, he talked about this project for water in Afric aand how we waste a lot of water and things like that, for example he handed out popcorn to like three people, symbolizing water, it was really good. He also had up a few teahcers do things for him. So he had Monsieur DJ (my former chem teacher) and Monsieur Nadeau (my socio teacher) holding a ladder for him when he went up there and joggled, and he had DJ wearing a hat, it was like a hockey helmet with a thingy on it, I can't really explain it but it did look funny. Monsieur Nadeau had a blong wig, which also is really funny, cause he's bold, or shaved head I guess. He also had a madame that I haven't had and was like are you willing to risk your life and lalala, so he was gonna joggle with "swords" "over" her. (It's amazing what you can do with plastics and optic illusions eh?) And then just before he was about to start, he took out a 20 dollar bill (ca 150 kr) and was like almost ripping it, and of course someone like haaaa don't, and he was like to the lady on the floor, there you go, no one objected for you risking your life, but 20 bucks, no. 
So that's about it for this week, I'll be back monday/tuesday with an easter update.
GLAD PÅSK på er mina söta stalkers! Och ni andra med förstås, för ni är ju rätt bra ni med ;)  


Even though I'm henceforth legally considered a grown-up, I still feel chilidsh enough to quote Winnie the Pooh. Because it is true. Big huge balloon, mmmh. 
So this week. Monday, I got a hat from my former dance teacher. Right before christmas, she told us she was knitting hats so she made one for all the girls in dance class that wanted one. Tuesday, we had another snow day, which also meant more snow. It snowed for two days whitout pause, but now it's finally beginning to melt. Hopefully it'll be gone before it turns april, but I'm not too sure about that. Anyways, wednesday, my former chemistry teacher gave us maple syrup that he'd produced himself, just like he said I would, so now I have a big can of maple syrup, for whenever I get back and wanna eat canadian again. Then thursday, I got a big balloon from the guy in my physics class, and then I really mean big, like humungous, that Natasha tied to my wrist, so I walked around with that one all day long. I got quite a few weird looks, like why is she walking around with a big balloon? And my dear little Ann made me a cake, that we ate at lunch. All in all, I had a very good birthday. 
Friday, Ann and I had a little adventure in the further part of Cornwall, but it all worked out and well, it does make a good story. So that's pretty much it for this week, hope you're all doing good back in Sweden, and I'll see y'all soon. It actually is soon, we're almost mid-term, the teachers have started handing out our grades so far. In drama class we only have two more things after we present this one after easter. I heard from a 12 grader that there's only 56 schools days left until graduation. That's nothing, it's crazy. Of course, we do have a bunch of days off too, but still. I can't believe time's gone by so fast. It feels like I just got here, but at the same time it feels like I've been here forever. Once the snow's gone it's all gonna go sooooo fast, for the moment it still feels like it's january and I have an endless amount of time left, but life is good, I'm really enjoying my time here. TACK kära föräldrar för att ni lät mig få uppleva det här.
Heads up for my only reader who stalks my blog on sundays, next week I'll update monday night, because I'm going to my "aunt and uncle" in toronto over easter. 

Bisous ! 


Aren't they just adorable?! 
Oh my gosh, my host family is the best, they're so sweet. Me thinking oh how nice they wanna take me out for my birthday, and then we walk into the restaurant and all I see is balloons and a lot of people, and aaaaaaw, I'm just so happy!! 
Do notice that there's cows on the balloons, no one ever seen that before eh! Oh, and all the green stuff is for Saint Patrick's Day, which today is too, it's celebrating their irish roots. 


Sunday again and the sun is shining in through my window. It smells like spring, but the snow still lies deep. Oh well, it'll most likely be gone by my birthday. Wednesday afternoon I went with Julie to Kingston and we just got home. Ah well, just is an over statement I guess, but not too long ago. Anyways, we had a good time! Kingston is a bigger city than Cornwall, I'd compare it to Uddevalla, but you know it's Canada, everything is big, and everything is far apart. Like last week when we walked home, it took two hours, still Cornwall doesn't feel bigger than Stenungsund, but well it is, quite a lot bigger. Anywaaaaays, we went shopping, for dresses, and well yes, I do have a prom dress, now all I need is a date, but I am working on that part. 
And here we have my small fancy brown bag, but dears, that is all I will tell you now, you'll have to wait and see. I'll say this much; it's long, simple and navy blue (surprise...). 
My hair is long too, way long, like longer than it's ever been. Funny thing is though, I've grown attached to it, no matter how much I know it's just thin and dead. 
We'll be heading out shortly, because Norma's gone in meetings all week so they're bringing me to Philo's tonight to celebrate my birthday, aren't they adorable. 


I was gonna write earlier, but I got fever chills and my eyes blackened, so I took a four hour nap, now drinking tea and hoping that whatever it is will be gone in the morning. This wasn't the way I intended to start this weeks blog, but when is life ever predictable? 
Today it was Norma's (my host mother's) birthday, so she and the other grown-ups went out for brunch leaving us kids home to socialize with each other. We watched paranormal activity 4 (overrated) and talked, it was really nice. 
Igår i min ensamhet såg jag melodifestivalenfinalen, vilket faktiskt var lite sorgligt. Tanken var att jag skulle se den samtidigt med syster via skype, men dom hade inget internet i de franska alpstugorna, så det blidde inte sååå. I många år nu, fler än jag minns, har vi alltid sett finalen i en feriestuga i danmark, ätandes pizza i sällskap med de andra sok:arna. Japp, vi snakcar Nord Jysk, årets orienteringsdebut. Danmarksbåtsbuffé, feriestugor, skarsnö, sanddyner, grönområden och avsaknad av detaljer. Bomma bort mig redigt mycket, traska knatteknat i goda vänners sällskap, besök på stranden, MELODIFESTIVAL, inte riktigt lika dåligt lopp nästa dag och sedan båten hem igen. Årets vinnare var långt ifrån min favorit, men låten blir faktiskt bättre ju fler gånger man lyssnar på den. Synd att man inte kan säga detsamma om kostymen. 
This week wnt by really fast, on monday we we're like yeeeeeah only five more days 'til march break, and then poff it was already friday. On friday we had "pj-day" so people walked in around in onezies and vividly decorated pj-pants, even some of the teachers. Not Monsieur Lacelle though, casual friday for him equals no bow tie. I heard someone say it was the international skip-day friday, I'm not sure how international it was, but a whole lot of people weren't in school; some were on vacation, the rest probably skipped.
   In physics in the morning we kept on going as usual, and we were only missing a couple of people. In drama (which is a grade 10 class, so everyone was there) we had "impro", the concept was easy but th rules complicared. Madame divided us in three teams, and then we had to act against each other with a theme and either mixed or compared, and the third team got to be the judges. That was fun. 
   In socio we were eight or nine, so Monsieur let us watch a movie, in politics we were even fewer, only six people. So Monsieur took in our essays and let us haev spare for the rest of the period, so I went to the library and talked to some guys from my physics class. 
   After school, me and Ann went to the mall to get a birthday present for Norma (cow slippers) and then we walked back here, it only took us two hours, and the weather was absolutely wonderful. Spring is finally starting to make itself noticed. 
This week I've also skyped with both my sister's, I was especially happy to hear from my oldest one, since she's always busy, but I got to steal a couple of hours of her time. 
Anyways, good night people.


I can not believe it's already march. Might have something to do with the decimeter or so of snow still lingering. Everyone says though, that the snow is usually gone after march break, which as a matter of fact is in two weeks. 
So this week started off with presenting the part of a play plus the extra we wrote about it we've been practising in drama class. I think we did good, it was fun at least. I took drama class so that I' get to speak a lot of french, and so far so good. It's a very nice class, I mean it's drama, you have to be more or less weird to sign up for drama class, so naturally, everyone's really nice. 
In physics this week we've been building catapults, because that creates a projectile, which is what we've been working with. Anyways, this gave us the oppurtunity to go to construction class to get pliers (to chop the popsicle sticks). In that class they were building a house. Like an actual house, a real house that people live in. I just thought that was so cool, so I just had to tell. On friday, we had the shot-off with our catapults, the goal was to 1) hit a point 50cm away, 2) calculate la distance moyenne, and 3) shoot as far as possible. Julie and mine's catapult shot the second furthets, 5.70 m, quite impressing considering we had no idea at all what we we're doing... 
Mine and Julie's masterpiece
Natasha with her and Christophe's catapult
The entire class out in the hallway shooting jelly beans. The guy in the pink shirt is the teacher, usually, he wearsbow ties! 
This week I've also asked myself more than once why I'm taking two social science classes, when I obviously twist the assays into looking from a scientific point of view. Then I remember what choices I had and it all becomes clear... Don't get me wrong, I really like both socio and politiques, but well, I am after all born and raised by my parents ;)
On wednesday the school stood up against bullying by tying pink ribbons on the trees just outside the door. (They were supposed to be outdoors, but it was snowing so hard no one wanted to go too far.) Wednesday should've been a snow day, there was even freezinng rain in the morning, but no, no cancelled buses. Someone said we've already had too many snow days. Ah well, if the snow'll go away I'll be just happy. It's getting warmer though, and lighter. Mmmh, I love the light... 
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