Since it turned out I have not only one, but actually THREE stalkers, thsi is for you girls! (Who knows, maybe I even have more, wow, and I thought no one read my blog haha...)
Anyways, at this very moment, I'm sitting in the rays from the sun listening to my dearly beloved melodifestival-skiva. Maybe it is easter after all. I have a feeling spring will be short, and before I even know it, it'll be so warm I'll almost miss the snow. But only almost. 
Last period today we had le chemin de la croix, the road to the cross. I thought it was gonna be a play, but it was more of a slide show, but ith real people. Does that make any sense? No... It was like one person talking, while other people stood like a picture on the stage. Natasha sang, and some other people too, but I don't know them so ^^
Now my camera isn't the best, and I didn't wan't to use the flash... So the guy playing Jesus actually had like a bunch of "wounds" and wore nothing but a diaper. Funniest part of the play ;)
Monday (or maybe it was tuesday, not sure anymore...) we had a clown guy at school, but I didn't know it in advance so no photos of that. Dommage.... Anyways, he talked about this project for water in Afric aand how we waste a lot of water and things like that, for example he handed out popcorn to like three people, symbolizing water, it was really good. He also had up a few teahcers do things for him. So he had Monsieur DJ (my former chem teacher) and Monsieur Nadeau (my socio teacher) holding a ladder for him when he went up there and joggled, and he had DJ wearing a hat, it was like a hockey helmet with a thingy on it, I can't really explain it but it did look funny. Monsieur Nadeau had a blong wig, which also is really funny, cause he's bold, or shaved head I guess. He also had a madame that I haven't had and was like are you willing to risk your life and lalala, so he was gonna joggle with "swords" "over" her. (It's amazing what you can do with plastics and optic illusions eh?) And then just before he was about to start, he took out a 20 dollar bill (ca 150 kr) and was like almost ripping it, and of course someone like haaaa don't, and he was like to the lady on the floor, there you go, no one objected for you risking your life, but 20 bucks, no. 
So that's about it for this week, I'll be back monday/tuesday with an easter update.
GLAD PÅSK på er mina söta stalkers! Och ni andra med förstås, för ni är ju rätt bra ni med ;)  
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