The sky is blue, and there's not a cloud in sight. I ran in t-shirt this morning, without freezing as crazy. This week I've had my first ice cream outside and I've counted twelve different kinds of flowers. Spring is officially here, and I just love it. 
This is Max, one of the puppies, such a cutie!
Right now I'm skyping with the family, we were supposed to celebrate Kajas birthday, which is wednesday, but since my dad got sick, she didn't go home so I ended up skyping with my parents. But they're nice too ;) 
Apart from that, not much to say. Me and Annunziata had a movie night yesterday, I'm really really gonna miss her once we go back home... :'( But that's still far in the future, so let's not think about that. I'm enjoying the present, whitout thinking too much of the future. Time passes crazy fast though, and the warmer it gets, the fatser it seems. Anyways, enjoy the sunshine people! 
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