To think this is my fourth last blog post. It's getting real. I've started walking around taking pictures of the school and my teachers. I only need to find DJ tomorrow, then I have them all. I have my first exam wednesday, and I've actually started to study a bit for my exams (needless to say, most for the one I have last...) Since my grades here doesn't transfer, I can tell you my motivation is pretty low. 
So these are my locker buddies! Sam, Mark and Annun. 
(I'm sitting outside, so I can't actually tell if they're visible or not... I hope so haha) 
And why eat inside in the cantine when you can be outside in the sunshine? Me and Annun have found the perfect benches, so we go there almost every day for lunch, and we've done that since pretty much the end of march. Sometimes we socialize though, mostly when it's rainy...
I think it was tuesday, I was sitting outside reading in my new favourite spot, I can't believe I haven't found it earlier, but anyways. I was sitting there reading (dubbla tjocktröjor och raggsockar, men almanackan säger sommar!) when Alan called me over from the barn. And there, climbing on the wall is a baby racoon! Honestly so adorable, I was like aaaaaaaaaaw, and then of course went and got my camera, like the true tourist I am. 
I mean, have you ever seen a more perfect reading tree?
And while talking about animals, yesterday morning when I was out running, I saw a turtle. Yes, I meant to say that. TURTLE. It scared me half to death too. It was at the further edge of the corn field, right before I go into the bush, and I'm looking down because I don't wanna step on the corn you know, and then all of a sudden I see this face staring at me. I almost fell over, no kidding. My first thought was it's a snake, but then I knew it couldn't be, because snakes don't just let you jump over them, like it would've moved. So my next thought is it's gotta be some kinda weird frog. And all this I think while regaining my balance, so I stop and like look  to see if it is a frog and then I'm like, wait a minute, that ain't no stone... It's a TURTLE! Like woaw. 
And then this week there was "Sweden Day", which I would've totally forgotten about if it weren't for Gab coming up asking me if I wanted to read a prayer in swedish that day. See, my school is catholic - École secondaire catholique La Citadelle - so every morning it's veillez-vous lever pour l'hymne nationlae et la priaire, and then different people read the prayer of the day. So I read Gud som haver, about the only prayer I know.
Wednesday we made smores in physics, something that Monsieur promised us a looooong time ago. So smores is something that you're supposed to eat over a bonfire, but microwave works fine too. So it's graham crackers (smakar nästan precis som digestivekex), with chocolate and marshmallows. It's a little hard to eat without getting chocolate everywhere, but they were good. And now you're wondering (or not...) how this is physics. Micro waves. 
 Nom nom nom
Thursday we got our year books! So I've started collecting signatures too. I also got my school shirt that a guy from my politics class convinced me to buy, it's a good memory. 
Friday was a PE day, so I made a brave attempt on studying but meeh.. At least finished writing my monologe for my drama exam. Yesterday evening/night I spent over at Hannah's, hanging out and talking. She's my host family's bestfriends exchange student, so that's how we know one another, from the sunday brunches at Philo's. Today the sun is shining again, so I'm just gonna finish this up then I'm gonna curl back up in that tree, with my politics notes. 
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