Friday night, we finally had that school dance, theme neon. Me and Annunziata mixed and matched our striped socks, god were they ever comfy! We had a fantastic night, jumping around like fools with the other girls. Yes, there was probably about 96% girls there, but who cares. Afterwards, me and Annun went to my place and watched a movie with an english speaking danish prince, interesting... She stayed here until this morning. 

I had a really good friday, started out good with spare in socio, the teacher next door was like oh Monsieur Nadeau wanted you to watch this video - shows us some kind of kids program with a song, and he sings along for a little bit, and then he was like, nah, vous avez un spare, bonne fin de semaine! Awesome. Anik has a car, so her, Kassia and I went cruising as they call it haha. Real nice! 

Amy (the oldest sister) has been home since thursday, and it's been really nice, she went back to hers about an hour or so ago though. Today it was mother's day here in Canada, so me and Annun went up early to pick flowers back in the bush and make boquettes for our adorable host mothers, happy mother's day!

(Till min egna lilla mamma säger jag inga grattis nu, för visst firar man väl inte mors dag förrän sista söndagen i maj hemma i Sverige? Och om jag har fel nu, då hoppas den dåliga dottern att mina sjuhundraelva mors dag-kort från tidiage år väger upp det hela...)

So today we went on a cheese route in Québec (the province), and mmmh, they were good. Yesterday evening me, Annun and Amy watched a dance movie and then something called Ted Talks. Very interesting stuff that, people talking about different things. 

Thursday I actually went up early, to go out running before school. There's something quite magical about the morning mist and the rising sun... Second period thurday, we went to a place close enough to school to watch MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) do an reinactment of a car accident. It was really touching. 

Tuesday me and Annunziata walked home from school and I burned my legs reeeeeeeally badly, they were so burnt it hurt to move for a while there, but some after sun and it's all good. We saw Monsieur Lacelle (physics) biking, and god is it ever weird seeing teachers outside of school, especially Lacelle, he looks so different without his bow tie... I guess having your socio teacher being a former underwear model is even weirder though. Sounds interesting? Google Pierre-Alexandre Nadeau. 

Monday we had a spare in physics, so me and Julie went down to the river, sat on some rocks with our feet in the water and enjoyed the sunshine.

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