Sunday again and the sun is shining in through my window. It smells like spring, but the snow still lies deep. Oh well, it'll most likely be gone by my birthday. Wednesday afternoon I went with Julie to Kingston and we just got home. Ah well, just is an over statement I guess, but not too long ago. Anyways, we had a good time! Kingston is a bigger city than Cornwall, I'd compare it to Uddevalla, but you know it's Canada, everything is big, and everything is far apart. Like last week when we walked home, it took two hours, still Cornwall doesn't feel bigger than Stenungsund, but well it is, quite a lot bigger. Anywaaaaays, we went shopping, for dresses, and well yes, I do have a prom dress, now all I need is a date, but I am working on that part. 
And here we have my small fancy brown bag, but dears, that is all I will tell you now, you'll have to wait and see. I'll say this much; it's long, simple and navy blue (surprise...). 
My hair is long too, way long, like longer than it's ever been. Funny thing is though, I've grown attached to it, no matter how much I know it's just thin and dead. 
We'll be heading out shortly, because Norma's gone in meetings all week so they're bringing me to Philo's tonight to celebrate my birthday, aren't they adorable. 
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