It's snowing again. Real snow, cold snow, the kind of snow that makes real snowflakes. Did you know that every single snowflake is one of a kind? Imagine how many snowflakes that fall in just one time at one place, and then imagine how many snowflakes there's ever fallen. 
This week I got a packet from home consisting of a bunch of christmas presents, tack älskade föräldrar! I had to open one of them though, the one from my oldest sister because I knew what was in it, the CD from her Spex, Christofer Columbus. So I've been listening to that quite a lot (a) I'm actually listening at this very moment: Landet kommer fyllas av en stam, människor som inte har nån skam...
Monday I had my first snowday, truth be told there wasn't much snow, barely even 2 cm, but I'm not complaining. I spent bigger part of the day curled up in the couch with Phoebe reading hp, mmmh... 
Now days go by fast, so I honestly don't remember which day it was, but we had a code rouge, which is a practise of what to do in case there would come a person with a gun to school. So they say lockdown, lockdown in the speakers. When this happened I had dance, so we all squeezed in one of the changing rooms, sitting on the floor in the dark. True to my habit I fell asleep... We were in there for a long time, they're supposed to walk around and say clear kinda, BUT they forgot us, or didin't see us, whichever. So what should've been approximately 15 minutes became for us over 40... 
I'm indecisive but now after beeing to the counseler thrice, a lot of thinking, considering pros and cons and talking to teachers I've switched my english cours next semester to sociologie, which is a subject where you learn a lot about families, like relations and stuff. Teacher seemed really nice. 
I've also been at a christmas thing at Kolby's school were we amongst other things got face paintings, nice eh!
(In case you can't see; Kolby has a snowflake and I'm Rudolph.)
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