- Levde du på 1700-talet?
- Jaa. Men nu är jag död. 

I’ve spent more or less six hours today baking, making and decorating gingerbread houses with Ann. We actually made this farm, or at least it’s supposed to be; It’s the barn, the main house and three cows. And of course, my masterpiece: the tractor! 


Ann’s been at our place since thursday, since her host parents went away, so thursday we did our christmas shopping and friday Emilie was with us too, and we went to a friends place hanging out. He had the cutest kitten called Pumpkin, and a pet snake, which did not have a name, so I named it for him; Fluffy. I think Fluffy liked having a name, because he actually listened to it, I speak parseltongue, moahahah.....

Aaaaaaaaaaaand, this week I’ve made my first trips to the barn. It’s a bit bad it took me three months to get out there, but like they say - better late than never. I’ve been helping Kolby out with his chores, which is feeding the small cows/calves, giving them hay and feeding the small male calves. But I’ve also milked two cows, or well, put on the milking thingy, but I think that counts, so yeah, I’ve milked cows! I think I was more hindrance than help in the milking department though... 

There’s no more snow. It melted away, and it’s been the warmest december sine 1873, it was over 15°C the other day, so I’ve been waiting in vain for snowdays... Ah well, there’s school in january too, so maybe I can get a couple of snowdays then. 

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