Since it's so long until next sunday, and since I by that time will have already forgotten. (And since I'm actually starting to enjoy this whole blog thing, not that I'll ever admit it...)
So this potluck dinner thing was really nice, I got to talk a bit swedish to the other swedish guy, and I find that my swedish accent is all messed up and sounding really ugly. I'm losing my swedish buhu :(

Anyways, here's the main dishes. I did read all the labels, but honestly, I don't remember what's from where. I took a small piece of everything (jag vet, jag är ett matvrak) and there's some stuff underneth which you can't see in the picture. But do you see the chili, in the left corner? That was made of mouse, canadian recipe. My favourite thing out of these though, I think was the broccoli salad, it was delicous. I guess I just like broccoli ^^ 
These were the desserts, and out of those I really liked the star thing, it tasted kinda like gingerbread, and also the raspberry youghurt thing. I love raspberries. i did not take any of my own buns, partly because I knew there weren't enough if everyone would have one, and well I'll admit it, partly because I had quite a lot of the dough yesterday anyways... 
The tasties thing out of all things though, that was this fantastic little piece. Some kind of homemade chokladkola made by the Brazilian guy. I was in heaven. It was just so so good. Me and chocolate, we go way back. The picture doesn't really make it justice though. It's not on the plate above, because they handed it out afterwards kinda, so I just tried taking a picture, but as you see, it didnät turn out too well. 
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