Allra allra först vill jag säga grattis till min älskade far som fyller år, hoppas du hade en toppendag! <3
I know it's late, but where I am, it's still sunday and I do have a good reason for being late: I have been on a roadtrip in Arizona, the land of the cactuses, with my host family this week. 
We left home late friday night - and now you wonder how could you update last sunday then? I'll let you in on a little secret, I wrote it friday and set it to show sunday, I'm getting the hang of this blog thing ;) 
Anyways, back to the subject. I've spent the last week in a huge minivan looking at the a lot of nice things and enjoying the sunshine and the company. So I'll give you a bunch of pictures from my week, and they're not in the right order, but whatever.
This first is a vinery in california, and isn't that just too cool? I mean, I am the only one who always wanted to go to a vinery after watching The Parent Trap? Now I can take that off my list of things to do! 

Sunset in California, beautiful as can be

This here is really cool; in Las Vegas, we went to this restaurant where they cook the food in front of you. Dinner and a show! The cook was really funny, and the food was really good! 

And well, this picture was supposed to be above the other one but it isn't... Anyways, see the little sign? Las Vegas! And me and Kolby decided we should come back in ten years, when we're both old enough, so until then ;) 

And this is a kind of pine cone, which is eatable! see the brown things? You crack them open with your teeth and then there's a white half-soft nut inside, which tasted a bit like pines smell. I really liked it, and I would have never known about it if it weren't for the landscaper Brad, married to the cousin of my host mother, who both were on the trip with us. He also taught me some trees and cactuses, but I'll come back to that, I think I have a picture further down. 

Grand Canyon! Isn't it just beautiful? There's no words to describe it, so I wont even try. 

Metal-thingies that turned in the wind. The photo doesn't really make them justice, but they were truly mesmerizing.

I think this was called red rock or something...? Don't really remember, since it's a good photo of me hahah ;)

Ah and here are some of the trees! The one in the front is called desert willow and the one in the back is called iron tree. That tree has such a high density that it actually sinks in water, now beeing the nerd that I am, I find that really cool :D 

All in all, I had a wonderful trip, and I would like to thank all the people on the trip for letting me come! And more than that I don't really have much to say. 


härliga bilder! :)

2012-11-11 @ 19:37:59

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